Rabu, Agustus 24, 2011


hmmm hai teman teman, gua mau ceritain mimpi gua semalem nih. kayak nya mulainya sekitar jam 2an gitu hmmm.. cekidot haha

semalem gua ke bangun sekitar jam 2 malem, gatau kenapa kayaknya gua mimpi buruk gitu. yang gua inget cuma pocong gatau kenapa yah (⌣́_⌣̀) ‎​Ħϋ₣₣₣₣ττττ .... hehe

nah akhirnya gua berusaha buat tidur lagi karena saking ngantuknya. nah disinini mimpi aneh gua dimulai. entah kenapa ya gua inget banget jalan ceritanya.

pertama gua ceritanya lagi pake baju buruk gitu, kayaknya belom mandi gitu haha (uppss kenapa kebiasaan gua dimasukin dalam mimpi juga ya? haha jadi mayyuuuu ✾◕ ‿ ◕✾ ). trus galama keluarga gua ceritanya mau ngadirin acara pernikahan itu. dan gatau kenapa gua langsung sadar kalo itu PERNIKAHANNYA DIA (sedih bangeeeeett ͼ(ݓ_ݓ)ͽ). ngenes banget kalo ngingetnya hmm. trus gua mau ikut cuma mau liat dia bentar. akhirnya naik mobil bareng ortu gua gitu tanpa MANDI (najis deh kenapa lagi2 kebiasaan gua harus dibawa-bawa dalam mimpi?? ┌П┐(◣_◢)┌П┐ ). trus pas udah sampe, gua keluar dari mobil nah si DIA juga keluar dari mobil. gua gaberani liat dia, tapi pas gua liat dia, dia lagi ngeliatin gua keanehan gitu, mungkin karna gua pake baju aneh dan belom MANDI (hadooooooh nyesek adalah -_--).

dan galama dia masuk ke gedung pernikahannya. gua cuma bisa liat dia dari luar kaca gedungnya. UGH sumpah dia pake jas putih gitu, KERENNYAAAA GANAHAAAAAAN U,U. nah tapi disitu belom ada calon istrinya (di mimpi mereka masih SMA ceritanya, tapi di pikiran gua cewenya ya itutu) trus di dalam gedungnya itu masih sepi banget baru dikit yang dateng. kebanyakan anak kecil -_---- trus dia lagi nyamperin anak kecil gitu. dan dia langsung ngeliat gua yang lagi ngintip di luar jendela. mukanya dia langsung aneh, mungkin karena ngeliat gua dateng pake baju aneh dan belom mandi kali ya hmmm (besok2 harus rajin mandi nih). dan galama tamu-tamu pada berdatangan. DAN RATA-RATA TAMUNYA ITU SEMUANYA SODARA GUA!! (gatau mau ngomong apa) tapi pengantin cewe nya ga muncul-muncul dan akhirnya gua denger teriakan

okeh sekian~ (っ ̄³ ̄)っ ~♡

Minggu, Agustus 14, 2011

10 facts about me at school

hi everybody. i just want you to know about me at school hohoho. but it's not too important wkwk.
let's check it out :

1. Everybody said that i'm smart, but actually i'm not

2. Untill now, I don't know why i can get ranking of 3 major. sometimes i get 3rd ranking, 2nd and now i get the 1st ranking. i think that was just lucky.

3. i always cheat my friend's homework when i can't answer the questions, even i cheat all of the answer hoho.

4. I never study seriously at school, even at home. i just study hardly when i have an examination. i get good score when i didn't study hardly, but when i study hardly i get bad score. that's so weird.

5. i cheat my friend's examination.

6. i get online when i feel bored with the lessons.

7. When the teacher ask question and i know the answer when nobody know, i choose be quite till the teacher ask me to answer. but finally somebody has known and answered that question. so i didn't answered that question.

8. I'm too shy to tell my opinion or tell my question when i don't understand with the lesson.

9. I love math, chemic, physic, and geo. but i choose sains class so i can't learn about geo again huhuhuhu.

10. i have many good friends, and the best of them is wury maharani hohohoho

i'm still wondering why i can get good rank and everybody said that i'm smart? it's so weird hahaha

oke ignore it. papay~

Senin, Agustus 08, 2011


hmmm i met him when we were celebrating isra mi'raj at musholla 43jhs. That was 4 years ago. he was reading Al-Quran, and that's why i loved him till now. he was so cute with his white skin, tall, nice face, dan his smart ofcourse. Everytime i met him, i would look him and didn't awake what happened arround me. AAAAAAAAAAAAANNDDD i thought he knew that i was looking him huhuhuhu (become SHY ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀) I was too shy to say 'hi' to him, so he never know me.

2 years later, he passed the examination and went out from 43 jhs. Yeah! I awoke that i will loose him huhuhuhu (╥﹏╥) but when i was going home after school, i saw him near of pertamina mampang and the opposite of 7grain (now 7eleven) ehen i was going to school. But that was just twice and then i never see him anymore. (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥)

day after day, time pass away, and i just can see him from his picture :(((( now I went out from 43 jhs and went to 60 shs. I thought that i must forget him, but when i was going to tooth clinic, i got online twitter, I saw he tweet(ed) about faster ( i forget what faster is ), I retweet(ed) it and asked something.


i was gonna fly but i awoke that i don't have wings -__-- yeah then i said thanks for him. I thought he wouldn't and never reply again, but what? he replied and asked me "who are you?" "where is your shs?" and the most supprise was he knew that i'm shs. OMG I was so glad :D

yeah after somedays have gone, i got online fb, twitter, and msn. But i left msn chat cause i was focused to online fb and twitter. And when I was gonna turn off the pc, i saw 2 chat messages. From sherril


yeah ofcourse that was him. But i thought it just notification from msn that he was online


but but but, that wasn't for me. That was for his friend with the same name with me. he said "be patient peh". Actually I knew who he meant, but i pretend that I didn't know and asked him "who is peh?" and bla bla blaaaaa.... And then I got offline cause I was afraid that i will become weird. AND HELL YA!! I WAS WEIRD HUHUHU (" `з´)_,/*(x,☉")

I told everybody that I love the other boy, not him. Actually i just loved him. Yeah I know i'm so stupid. Just my best friend knew the truth.

I hope I can know him deeply, but what? he has had girlfirend. that's make me broke. OMG!! that's so hurts. (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥)

I made agreement to God, if I don't meet him and don't get notification or anything from him untill 2nd August 2011 (i'm just awake, that day is his anniv with his Girlfirend for 6months (╥﹏╥)) at 4pm, i will forget him FOREVER!!!!! cause i'm tired of waiting him. I know he never can be mine. So i'm gonna forget him altough i know i can't. I will let him go. so, gonna say goodbye for him and give him ╭∩╮(︶.︶メ)╭∩╮. haha just kidding (っ ̄³ ̄)っ ~♡.

But if I let him go, i will never know. what my life would be holding he closed to me? will I ever see he smiling back at me? How will I know if I let him go? #np if I let you go - westlife #GALAU haha -__-

SOOOOOOO, i thought that i don't want to forget him HªhªhªHªhªHªhªhªHªhªHªhªhªHªhª
okeh, done. so tired to write this (⌣́_⌣̀) ‎​Ħϋ₣₣₣₣ττττ ....

i was thingking that i couldn't publish this blog, but i want everybody know about this hehe
thanks for reading my fucking story HªhªhªHªhªHªhªhªHªhªHªhªhªHªhª